Saturday, October 24, 2009

So I Made a List

Of Everything I need to update you on so there might be multiple posts or just one extremely long one. So get out your reading glasses boys and girls and if you don't have any, you will by the time this post is done.

So We have $6 movies at the AMC for cast members, I'm taking full advantage of that considering movies at home are like $9 for an extremely small screen. So I've Seen District 9, Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3D, and last night I saw Saw 6. District 9....not what I thought it was going to be but still an interesting movie concept. At least its not another remake or an adaptation from a book, as far as I know. Saw 6 was ok. Not as good as the others and hopefully its the last one of the series. I'd wait til it comes out on DVD. After Saw 6 I played DDR with some co-workers and totally beat their heels. Thats right, I'm that awesome. As for Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3D it was amazing. So much better in 3D and funnier now that I'm older to catch the inside adult jokes. They even had a preview for Toy Story 3! It looks really good and I hope it doesn't butcher the other two. In case you want to check out the preview here's the link.

So I also got my perminent license plates for Tank. He's happy now and actually currently full of pixie dust so he'll probably still sparkle when I get back and smell of macintosh apples. But anyway,

Works been pretty crazy. I'm really comfortable now at Pizzafari and have made some great friends. I've even made friends with a few girls from Korea and China. They've been teaching me little phrases and words in their language and I think I'm going to be pretty fluent when I return. I can only hope. Some of the things they taught me weren't the best things to repeat in a family environment so they have a fun time teaching me bad words and seeing how well I can pronounce them. Chinese I'm pretty good at speaking but as far as spanish goes...not so much.
zài jiàn!
So I went to print off my schedule for my next week of work and I checked my hours for next week and instead of saying Pizzafari like it should say, it said Resturauntasaurus. I was being deployed across the park. I had never heard of anyone getting deployed there before only Flametree and back because we share the same costume. So I talked to the manager and said I didn't sign up to get deployed and was wondering why I was being moved. They thought it was weird too that I would be deployed without signing up to be so they asked another person who is in charge of deployments and she said I was chosen at random to start their new deployment process. So I was suppose to be there all week but I only ended up working there 2 days. The two days I worked there wasn't that great. Everyone was just kind of on their own and was very boring and didn't really say hi or was interested in what I was doing there. Where as at Pizzafari I had a bunch of CPs come up to me and make friends and we sing songs and dance around the kitchen and are sooo laid back. They are so uptight at Resto. Maybe its because I didn't know anyone but it was really different and not for the better. On the third day there, I forgot my name tag and you have to have your nametag. So I felt bad but I knew that if you did forget yours, the managers have some to replace yours so you don't have to run home. So I told the managers at Resto and they took me back to find a new name tag but all they had were boy nametags so then they thought, oh pizzafari has nametags. So they told me to run over to Pizzafari (which is all the way across the park) and get a female name tag. So it took a bit to find my way over there back stage since I wasn't in "full costume" I couldn't go "on stage". So I got over there and dug through some nametags before I picked Sally as my name for the day. Trust me, Sally was the best name they had. It was that or Deby or Barbara. Yeah so I was Sally and my manager asked if I was able to maybe come back over here and close when I was done working at Resto. I said if they needed me I would love to come back. So he tried to call the manager at Resto to ask but they didn't pick up so he said to head back over their and the Resto managers would let me know if I was coming back over. So I headed back across the park and as soon as I walked in they asked what I was doing there, they thought I was staying at Pizzafari. So I called Pizzafari and they said just to come back and work the whole day over there. So on my way out the Resto manager said "if you don't feel like coming into work the rest of the week you dont have to". I was like wtf. I need to pay my bills and you can't just say I don't have to come in because I'll get points (you don't want points) on my card and I don't want points. So I wandered over to Pizzafari again and they told me that they would give me hours the rest of the week. I had to work in the back that day since I didn't have the right costume on and they didn't want to send me to costuming. Then after the day was over I stepped on my friends glasses and then almost got hit by a bus. Not the best day. I kept telling myself fml fml fml. So Resturauntasaurus wasnt' a great experience and now a lot of my friends are getting deployed at Epcot when they didn't sign up. Long story short, work has been really screwy.

One of my co-workers, Pedro, also had his birthday last week so we celebrated. It was my first party at Vista Way and it reminded me of school so much. An apartment party full of friends listening to music and just chilling out. It was fun but I don't plan on going often because security here actually does their job and broke up the party a little after I left. I'm not getting terminated for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Girls Who Eat Their Feelings

So I havent posted in a while...I know. Bad me. I took my time out in the corner and had some time about what I did wrong and I decided to write a super amazing post to summerize the spectacular week I just had. So here goes......

So I had three days off in a row and I wanted to relax the first day but be productive. So Sam from across the hall, Pam and I went shopping at Target when Sam gets a text from his roommate, Cameron, who tells him that none other than the Johnny Depp is currently occupying Magic Kingdom with his presence. WHAT?! So as soon as we get back from Target, me, Cameron, Brunella, and Pam all go on a quest to find THE Jack Sparrow. Along the way, Cameron tells us about how he found out. He was working merchandise on Main Street USA and noticed 8 security guards in his store, 7 more then what is normally there. He thought that that was odd when an older lady in a motorized wheel chair approached him. She asked him if he could help her find her son. He said of course and asked what her son's name was. She said Johnny. So Cameron and this woman are looking through the store and Cameron thinks he's looking for a young boy, when she spots him and says "oh there he is" and points. And Cameron thinks oh he's a big johnny. So he walk her over to him and they talk for a minute or two and as he's walking away, he realizes who he just talked to. Johnny was supposed to come to the Magic Kingdom soon anyway for the Halloween parade, but decided to come a little early to fly under the radar of everyone. So anyway back to the quest..... We roll up to Magic Kingdom and scour the place. We heard that he might do the Pirate Tutorial by the Pirates of the Carribean ride (which is where a Jack Sparrow look-a-like and a sidekick come and teach little kids how to be pirates) and the day parade. Well we went to two Tutorials and saw the ending of the day parade and there was no sign of Johnny. Well that night was Mickey's not so scary halloween party and the park closed early. It also takes 3 hours for Johnny to put his pirate makeup on so by the time we figured out that he wasn't in the pirate shows, he would be in the underground tunnels getting his hair and makeup done. So my quest was a bust, but my roomates, Brunella and Danielle, both saw him while they worked the event that night. So I'll keep my hopes up in that he will come into Animal Kingdom and decide to eat at Pizzafari while he is on vacation this week.

The next day we decided to conquer Epcot because that is the only park I have not seen in its entirety. We couldn't go til late because no one got off until then, so we only got in two hours in the park but it was an awesome two hours. We went on Mission: Space which is my new favorite ride and anyone who comes to visit me needs to ride it. Then we went over to do Turtle Talk with Crush. Its where you go into a big room and sit down and actually talk to crush. He asks questions and interviews a few people and its actually a lot of fun. So we went and sat down and I thought he would only talk to the kids and us "grown ups" where only there to watch and enjoy. Well Crush was doing "interviews" and was picking out kids when he said "well what about that dudette on the left in the pick shirt and black lid". Uhhhh I'm wearing a pink shirt and a black lid and I'm sitting on the left.....yay! So the lady comes over with the microphone and Crush asks me my name and where I'm from and who I'm with. I tell him I'm here with my friends and he asked if I drove with my human dudes or flew. I said that I drove and he asked me how driving works. So I said its when "you take your "fins" and turn a wheel back and forth to steer while at the same time pushing pedals with your feet to stop and go" and I look up and Crush has his mouth open and a very confused look on his face and says "you human dudes are some very confusing dudes" and everyone just busts out laughing. It was one of those things you had to be there for. It was really cute and I was really happy that I was picked to actually talk to made my day and gave me some pixie dust. Well after Talking with Crush we headed to find seats for the World Showcase fireworks. Well we got to Mexico when the heavens decided open up and release weeks of rain all in one night. I felt like I was caught in a hurricane and there was no sign of it letting up. I had no umbrella, no raincoat, no rain boots. Just me and my purse and the rain. For some strange reason they kept the fireworks going even though it was raining so hard that you could even see them and it hurt looking up trying to find them. So I gave up trying to stay dry and embraced the rain. Brunella and I played in puddles and skipped and danced in the rain without a care in the world soaked to the bone, and it was the best and simplest kind of fun I ever experienced. I can't wait to do it again.

Day 3 of my days off was concert day :) Brunella and Courtney both called off of work "sick" and by the time we got ready to go and out of bed, it was too late to go to the beach, so we headed straight for Tampa. We got there early and got a good parking spot where all the tailgaters were and but headed inside to find good lawn seats...(if such a thing exists). On the way there we passed a war veteran who kept saying "Freedom isn't free. Help support war veterans." Basically if you gave him money you got a mini US flag. He was really creepy and I felt bad for him but everytime he said Freedom isn't free I just broke into song from the Team America soundtrack. So I felt bad but was laughing at the same time. Anyway, upon entering the venue they tell you that no bags of any kind, blankets, chairs etc can be taken in. Basically only the things you can carry or stick in your pockets that does not include a camera because they will take those. So I have no pictures and had to sit in the grass which I'm allergic to. Florida concert venues suck compared to VA. On with the show, we are front and center of the lawn seats and within a half hour, the Blink 182 reunion tour starts. Asher Roth opens up and no one really cares or knows his songs besides I Love College and even then it was a bust. The All-American Rejects came out to perform next and I was completely shocked when Tyson graced the stage with his presence. Not only was he shirtless but he was also covered in sparkles (no vampire jokes) and that wasn't even the shocking part. He was rolled out in a wheel chair with his right leg in a full brace! He tells us that he cant feel anything below the waist because of the pain pills that hes currently medicating himself with. He called up one lucky fan to wheel him around on stage and I was so envious of her, getting to wheel around my rock god. ugggg jealousy is an evil monster and it drove me insane. He performed well for being in his state of mind but he wasn't himself. He didn't even sing Gives You Hell at the end. The band played the song but he didn't sing. I was sad he was hurt but happy that he still decided to perform through the pain too. We were lucky, because they just cancelled their next three shows because of Tyson's injury, get better soon! Next came Fall Out Boy and they played surprisingly well. The boys next to us were in love with them and were constantly moshing. The highlight of their performance was when they played Journey's Don't Stop Believing and didn't butcher it. It brought me back to camp and made me smile :) And last but certainly not least was Blink 182. They played all the classics and all my favorites with one liners and funny quotes that made no sense but fit right in with the show. The cherry on top was when Travis Barker did his drum solo. Travis began and the platform he was performing on began to rise and looked like it was levitating off the floor. I can't even describe it and the amazingness it spread throughout the arena so go watch it at this link :)

After the show we went to McDonalds and made of Brunella who ate ice cream by herself. She is now and forever shall be known as lonely girl who eats her feelings. Go ahead and put it in the good story basket. This week also consisted on going to see District 9 (which was very...interesting for a lack of a better word), traveling to the Food and Wine festival at Epcot, disney movie marathons, working long shifts and giving up off days, talking to a Disney Tech guy, playing tennis and football, trying to find a PO with no luck, stomping dance parties, and my roommates boyfriend cross dressing and modeling for us.

Until next time....chow