Saturday, October 24, 2009

So I Made a List

Of Everything I need to update you on so there might be multiple posts or just one extremely long one. So get out your reading glasses boys and girls and if you don't have any, you will by the time this post is done.

So We have $6 movies at the AMC for cast members, I'm taking full advantage of that considering movies at home are like $9 for an extremely small screen. So I've Seen District 9, Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3D, and last night I saw Saw 6. District 9....not what I thought it was going to be but still an interesting movie concept. At least its not another remake or an adaptation from a book, as far as I know. Saw 6 was ok. Not as good as the others and hopefully its the last one of the series. I'd wait til it comes out on DVD. After Saw 6 I played DDR with some co-workers and totally beat their heels. Thats right, I'm that awesome. As for Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3D it was amazing. So much better in 3D and funnier now that I'm older to catch the inside adult jokes. They even had a preview for Toy Story 3! It looks really good and I hope it doesn't butcher the other two. In case you want to check out the preview here's the link.

So I also got my perminent license plates for Tank. He's happy now and actually currently full of pixie dust so he'll probably still sparkle when I get back and smell of macintosh apples. But anyway,

Works been pretty crazy. I'm really comfortable now at Pizzafari and have made some great friends. I've even made friends with a few girls from Korea and China. They've been teaching me little phrases and words in their language and I think I'm going to be pretty fluent when I return. I can only hope. Some of the things they taught me weren't the best things to repeat in a family environment so they have a fun time teaching me bad words and seeing how well I can pronounce them. Chinese I'm pretty good at speaking but as far as spanish goes...not so much.
zài jiàn!
So I went to print off my schedule for my next week of work and I checked my hours for next week and instead of saying Pizzafari like it should say, it said Resturauntasaurus. I was being deployed across the park. I had never heard of anyone getting deployed there before only Flametree and back because we share the same costume. So I talked to the manager and said I didn't sign up to get deployed and was wondering why I was being moved. They thought it was weird too that I would be deployed without signing up to be so they asked another person who is in charge of deployments and she said I was chosen at random to start their new deployment process. So I was suppose to be there all week but I only ended up working there 2 days. The two days I worked there wasn't that great. Everyone was just kind of on their own and was very boring and didn't really say hi or was interested in what I was doing there. Where as at Pizzafari I had a bunch of CPs come up to me and make friends and we sing songs and dance around the kitchen and are sooo laid back. They are so uptight at Resto. Maybe its because I didn't know anyone but it was really different and not for the better. On the third day there, I forgot my name tag and you have to have your nametag. So I felt bad but I knew that if you did forget yours, the managers have some to replace yours so you don't have to run home. So I told the managers at Resto and they took me back to find a new name tag but all they had were boy nametags so then they thought, oh pizzafari has nametags. So they told me to run over to Pizzafari (which is all the way across the park) and get a female name tag. So it took a bit to find my way over there back stage since I wasn't in "full costume" I couldn't go "on stage". So I got over there and dug through some nametags before I picked Sally as my name for the day. Trust me, Sally was the best name they had. It was that or Deby or Barbara. Yeah so I was Sally and my manager asked if I was able to maybe come back over here and close when I was done working at Resto. I said if they needed me I would love to come back. So he tried to call the manager at Resto to ask but they didn't pick up so he said to head back over their and the Resto managers would let me know if I was coming back over. So I headed back across the park and as soon as I walked in they asked what I was doing there, they thought I was staying at Pizzafari. So I called Pizzafari and they said just to come back and work the whole day over there. So on my way out the Resto manager said "if you don't feel like coming into work the rest of the week you dont have to". I was like wtf. I need to pay my bills and you can't just say I don't have to come in because I'll get points (you don't want points) on my card and I don't want points. So I wandered over to Pizzafari again and they told me that they would give me hours the rest of the week. I had to work in the back that day since I didn't have the right costume on and they didn't want to send me to costuming. Then after the day was over I stepped on my friends glasses and then almost got hit by a bus. Not the best day. I kept telling myself fml fml fml. So Resturauntasaurus wasnt' a great experience and now a lot of my friends are getting deployed at Epcot when they didn't sign up. Long story short, work has been really screwy.

One of my co-workers, Pedro, also had his birthday last week so we celebrated. It was my first party at Vista Way and it reminded me of school so much. An apartment party full of friends listening to music and just chilling out. It was fun but I don't plan on going often because security here actually does their job and broke up the party a little after I left. I'm not getting terminated for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry.

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