Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grotto or Pixie Hollow?

mmmm waffles. I found yesterday very productive. I woke up and had to straighten out my parking pass situation because when I signed up my name wasn't on my insurance, my dad's was, so I had to go do that and I got my handy dandy parking pass. Following that I met up with my parents at downtown disney and my mom went nuts in the christmas store. I'm pretty sure with all the things she wanted to buy or thought that I needed I'm going to have a full blown santa's apartment on my hands, only disney style. I walked into the huge disney store and I've already found christmas gifts for everyone, and I mean everyone. After that began our adventure of finding a tv for the apt. We went to walmart, and they were out of the one I wanted so we were going to go to another one but stopped at target before hand and they had an even bigger one for cheaper, but they were out. So then we ventured to another target further down (there are targets and walmarts every 10 mins on the same road...ridiculous!) and when we got there they were out too but were getting a truck tomorrow. So after three failed attempts we postponed it until future ventures, and I headed back to get ready for Planet Hollywood with the girls. We wanted to do roomie bonding and get to know each other before all of our schedules got hectic. We dressed in black, white, or plaid, and we all looked amazing. I drove all 6 of us in my 5 person car and all I could think about was how during spring break kevin got pulled over for having too many people in the car and I did not want to get a ticket! Luckily we made it and had a ton of fun at dinner. We thought of all the different themed parties we're going to have and what our apt is going to be themed. Long story short, Danielle's boyfriend's apt down here is the Jungle and they are the Lost Boys, each one of them having a Lost Boy name from Peter Pan. We went to their apt after dinner and it looks pretty tight. They have plants everywhere, a hammock, their names written in wood. It looks pretty cool, so the girls and I wanted to do kind of the same thing...only better :) So we came up with two ideas, Ariel's Grotto and Pixie Hollow. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let the Magic Begin!

So Sunday was spent with my parents at the Magic Kingdom for 12 hours. I had a magic overload. I spent the whole day looking at the details in the park like finding hidden mickey mouse ears in everything, criticizing the princesses in the parade, and noticing behind the scenes things. It was kind of fun. It was really great just to have one on one time with my parents. We had a great day and I'm really happy that my mom got to see the parade and fireworks, she had been really wanting to see them. Yesterday was a bright and early, rise and shine day. We arrived at check in an hour early at 8am sharp. One of the mom's had started a sign in sheet so her and her daughters friends would be first and there was no arguing with it. It was about to get rejected by me when someone said we could go to the clubhouse and sign in, then the race began. It was insane! About 6 girls...and their moms.... took off in a full on blitz for the registration. I walked gracefully there and when I arrived they were all sitting down, panting and fanning themselves. It was hilarious. Check in was like a giant maze with a never ending route of station after station. My new home is Patterson Court Apt #6302. Its pretty sweet and looks brand new. My roomates are from all across the nation. Simone is from New Orleans, Pam from Puerto Rico, Brunella from California, Danielle from Connecticut, and Courtney is from Pennsylvania. After moving my stuff into my beautiful apartment we had to leave and take a bus to the casting building. While waiting for the bus my roomies and I were watching all the cast members who were on their way to their jobs. They all looked so sad in their brightly colored and random uniforms, I hope thats not a bad omen. When we arrived we found out about our jobs and all the details to get us started. And once again it involved more stations in a huge building that took us from floor to floor and around corners in random rooms with paintings all over the walls and ceilings. I thought I was lost in wonderland. ok that wasn't funny. Anyway I found out that I will be working at Animal Kingdom and a place called Pizzafari.....get all the laughter out now. Are you good now? On with the story. Once that was done we caught a bus back, and I unpacked some more and went to the housing seminar. That was basically freshmen orientation for underage drinking or termination, no weapons fake or real or termination, guests must be signed in or termination. They are joking either, a girl got terminated for cooking alcohol since she was in the culinary program, so everyone is on their toes and treading lightly here. After the bogus housing meeting, we were free so I met up with some facebook friends who lived right acorss the way and we had pizza and went swimming until 1 am. My complex is right across the street from Mickey's retreat and we can use it to go kayaking, play sports, anything outdoorsy really so I'm going to use that to my advantage. So I guess thats it in a nutshell so far. I'll update soon!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

When Tree Frogs Attack!

I don't think I've ever driven through a hurricane before...until today. It was so crazy. The clouds sped right for I95 and it got extremely dark, dark blue. It didn't rain for a while either which made it really eerie. Then as we rounded the corner we saw the curtain of rain moving right toward us and it hit us like a ton of bricks. Suddenly everyone was going 20mph in a 70mph area. Flashers came on and I was really thinking that our car was going to blow over like al roker did on live tv when he tried to brave a hurricane. Anyway, we made it out alive and my car was cleaned of the mountain dirt in the process. Ironically, we stopped at the same gas station I stopped at last year when I came down, very deja vu. Our condo is gorgeous and our family fits right in. We were exploring the house and the room that I was put in is obviously the best room in the house with a Kung Fu Panda and Pixar Heros posters hanging on my wall. There was even dolphin, orca, and lion stickers on the windows. Can you say jackpot? The homeowners left us a little guide book to the house. It tells us not to feed the racoons, 0possums, or armadillos and to make sure to securely shut our doors so the tree frogs, snakes, and engrossed grasshoppers don't sneak in during the night. I thought they were over reacting until I met a tree frog staring me down at the door and jiminy cricket bounding across the parking lot. Well tomorrow, my parents and I are going to the Magic Kingdom to spend the day together before I leave. I'm really excited :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Look! A Palm Tree!

We were on the road for a grand total of almost 12 hours today, and I got to drive all of it in my new car....well new used car. The ride started off ok. My dad leading with me and my mom following in one car and my brother and his gf in the other. I felt like we were in that old Twister movie when there were a bunch of cars that followed each other weaving in and out of traffic to get to their destination. Anyway, my car ran splendidly and I'm so proud to be a car owner now, I just need a name for it. The trip was smooth all except for the part where my dad totally blew a tire in the middle of now where north carolina. I swear I heard banjo music. We drove to a walmart on our spare so we could get a new tire and had to wait another hour to rotate tires and put the new one on and what not. I thought Front Royal and Radford was country but I had not been to Smithfield, NC. We walked in and I thought my head was going to be stuffed and mounted on someones wall. There was not one person there that did not have camo, bright orange, cut off shorts, or gruffy beards (even the women). The other half of the people ther did not speak english and all stared when my mom and I walked by. crrrreeeeeeepppppyyyyy. Anyway, the rest of the time I sat in a waiting room and watched paint peel while listening to the young and the restless until the tire was done. We were quickly on our way after that and landed in Waltersboro, SC where I am currently and comfortly enjoying my huge queen bed I have all to myself tonight :)