Friday, August 21, 2009

Look! A Palm Tree!

We were on the road for a grand total of almost 12 hours today, and I got to drive all of it in my new car....well new used car. The ride started off ok. My dad leading with me and my mom following in one car and my brother and his gf in the other. I felt like we were in that old Twister movie when there were a bunch of cars that followed each other weaving in and out of traffic to get to their destination. Anyway, my car ran splendidly and I'm so proud to be a car owner now, I just need a name for it. The trip was smooth all except for the part where my dad totally blew a tire in the middle of now where north carolina. I swear I heard banjo music. We drove to a walmart on our spare so we could get a new tire and had to wait another hour to rotate tires and put the new one on and what not. I thought Front Royal and Radford was country but I had not been to Smithfield, NC. We walked in and I thought my head was going to be stuffed and mounted on someones wall. There was not one person there that did not have camo, bright orange, cut off shorts, or gruffy beards (even the women). The other half of the people ther did not speak english and all stared when my mom and I walked by. crrrreeeeeeepppppyyyyy. Anyway, the rest of the time I sat in a waiting room and watched paint peel while listening to the young and the restless until the tire was done. We were quickly on our way after that and landed in Waltersboro, SC where I am currently and comfortly enjoying my huge queen bed I have all to myself tonight :)

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