Saturday, August 22, 2009

When Tree Frogs Attack!

I don't think I've ever driven through a hurricane before...until today. It was so crazy. The clouds sped right for I95 and it got extremely dark, dark blue. It didn't rain for a while either which made it really eerie. Then as we rounded the corner we saw the curtain of rain moving right toward us and it hit us like a ton of bricks. Suddenly everyone was going 20mph in a 70mph area. Flashers came on and I was really thinking that our car was going to blow over like al roker did on live tv when he tried to brave a hurricane. Anyway, we made it out alive and my car was cleaned of the mountain dirt in the process. Ironically, we stopped at the same gas station I stopped at last year when I came down, very deja vu. Our condo is gorgeous and our family fits right in. We were exploring the house and the room that I was put in is obviously the best room in the house with a Kung Fu Panda and Pixar Heros posters hanging on my wall. There was even dolphin, orca, and lion stickers on the windows. Can you say jackpot? The homeowners left us a little guide book to the house. It tells us not to feed the racoons, 0possums, or armadillos and to make sure to securely shut our doors so the tree frogs, snakes, and engrossed grasshoppers don't sneak in during the night. I thought they were over reacting until I met a tree frog staring me down at the door and jiminy cricket bounding across the parking lot. Well tomorrow, my parents and I are going to the Magic Kingdom to spend the day together before I leave. I'm really excited :)

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Keep it up with the posts because I like reading these!!!!! :-) Glad you are doing awesomely! This is Nick by the way. haha
