Monday, September 21, 2009

Dance Marathons, Greek Cousine, and Kitchen Sinks

Sorry there hasn't been a post in a while but I'll try to sum up all the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The bad....I had and still am working 10 days in a row and my license plates came late so I had to take the bus...I hate the bus.

The ugly, your face...just kidding nothing is ugly in Florida :)

The Good :)
So Nella and I decided that we wanted to do something after work one day. No one else was home and we didn't want to just sit around so we went to Downtown Disney to check out Disney Quest. Well DQ was not free for us and with only two hours left before it closed we didn't want to pay for only two hours of fun. So we walked around because Nella had never seen the whole place. So we walked through Pleasure Island and got to the Marketplace and stopped for something to eat. We grabbed a bite and sat outside in the open pavillion and watched this guy teach the audience all these different famous dances one after the other. I immediately hopped up and started dancing. When Cotton Eye Joe came on I was so excited and I turn to Nella and tell her to hop up and she says that she's never heard of this song! WHAT?! Who has never heard of Cotton Eye Joe? Apparently the west coast. So my new mission is to teach her the ways of the east. Anyway, so after I was appalled and we finished eating we walked back toward Pleasure Island and another DJ started playing music and the host walked out and started getting a crowd together and doing the cupid shuffle. So we joined in and did a few other dances before a huge crowd joined in or watched. So then he asked for the best of the best dancers to volunteer for a dance competition. I point to Nella and Nella points to me and the host goes "we have two volunteers" and pulls us both in. We look at each other and I start thinking, what did I get myself into. So there is about 20 of us of all ages from like 5 to 75. They play 3 songs for 45 seconds and then 3 judges (random audience members) choose the top 4 contestants for a dance off. So they play the first and second song and they are all older cuter music like twist and shout etc and I keep it pg not knowing how to dance to that in a family oriented atmosphere. Then Boom Boom Pow comes on. Thats my jam. I can dance to that. So I break out the heal toe and the two step for the whole 45 secs. The host goes " oh know she didn't! get it girl!" and his back up dancers start following me! So then the competition is over and the judges must decide. Nella's convinced that I'll make it and I just need to catch my breath. So they pick two little girls around 6 dressed as princesses from the day at bibbiti boppiti boutique, an older man in his 50s, and the girl in the black hat....i was the girl in the black hat. Wow. I beat out everyone to make it to the finals. That was my whole arsenal though. What was I going to do now? Well the final before they crown the winner was one more song for 45 secs and of course its an oldy. So I throw the competion to the little girls and dance my little pg heart out. So both girls tied of course for the win, but I still got a cool little button that says dance finalist :) Score!

This week was also the grand opening of Kouzziana, the Greek and Mediterranean resteraunt by Cat Cora on Disney's Boardwalk. Our next door neighbor, Sam, had a reservation for 4 and invited "the girls next door" to accompany him to the opening. So Courtney and I were the only one's who had the night off, so we got all dressed up and Sam took us out to eat. The resteraunt was really nice and had an open kitchen where you could watch all the chefs fix your food no matter where you were sitting. We all tried something new which included lamb burgers, cinnamon chicken and rice, and a vegetarian lasagna. After our amazing meal and service we got a picture with all the chefs saying OPA! We actually just missed meeting Cat Cora herself by just an hour. But it was still an amazing night.

So one of my fellow co-workers, matt, is leaving Pizzafari (lucky) to go become a coordinator at Epcot. Part of his departure and farewell was to take a bunch of us out to Beaches and Creme to conquer.....THE KITCHEN SINK! Now the kitchen sink is not for the feint of heart. It consists of 6 scoops of ice cream, a whole can of whip cream, chocolate and caramel syrup, chocolate chips, sprinkles, nuts, cherries, and even a few oreos all in a huge bowl shaped like a kitchen sink, faucet and all. So five coworkers and I went to challenge the beast and the lights dimmed and the flashing lights came on, the kitchen sink came out, and we demolished that whole thing. There was no need for dinner because that was a meal in itself. We celebrated the destruction of the sink by telling jokes, roasting co-workers, and watching EPCOT fireworks before retiring home.

Oh and i got thrown into the pool with all my clothes on and I'm seeking revenge on the 3 culprits. Ill let you know how that goes down :)

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