Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Whatever You Do, Don't Look Left!

If you have never seen a Cirque du Soleil show, put that on your Bucket List because you have to go see one. Saturday night was La Nuba night. It was in a giant white tent at Downtown Disney. You walk into the arena find it unusually small but very personal. The stage looks small at first but it has tricks up its sleeve. Our seats are a category 3 out of 3 being the farthest away but even a category 3 is like floor seats for a regular rock concert. It was pretty amazing. Every seat had an amazing view. The show started with these two older clown guys just messing around with the audience which was pretty funny and kept us occupied until the show started, but once the show started, the mouth dropping and awe struck faces began. They had tight rope walkers and at one point the girl was hand standing on the guys head as he walked across the rope. Insane! They had two bicyclists who did tricks throughout the audience and on different levels. They had 4 little asian girls who were around 5 years old doing mind blowing tricks with these big yo-yo things. It made me feel like I was wasting my life because they were so talented and the audience loved them. They had the typical trapeze artists, balancing act, swinging cloth rope artists, and trampoline act which weren't typical. No words can really describe that show, you'll have to see it for yourself when you come visit :)

So the next two days I had off. My first day was really relaxing and I just lounged around and ran errands because I was the only one home. When Courtney came back we went to Hollywood studios and watched Fantasmic again which is always a good show. The next day I wanted to go to the beach but the weather was supposed to be bad so I stayed home and Courtney and Danielle and I went to Magic Kingdom to continue our quest for every character's signature and picture. We entered main street right as the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It block party began. It had all sorts of characters and music and basically you could go on the street with them and dance and celebrate. We got to party with Goofy and Genie and they taught us dances and even started a conga line around Main Street USA. After our fiesta we started our quest which was very slow. We couldn't find any characters that either we didn't have or they had a long line or weren't out yet. We got Tigger and Pooh first and Tigger was literally bouncing off the walls with energy and was all over the place which was fun. We then walked over to Adventure Land and saw Peter and Wendy. I was really excited to meet them but Peter kind of had an attitude and Wendy just wasn't as cool as I thought she would be. She did have a British accent though so that was kind of authentic. We found Alice but her line was closed so we'll have to go another day. So after being there 3 hours and only getting 4 signatures we started to head out and ran into a billion characters. There was Chip N Dale, Pluto, Daisy Duck, Snow White, and Pinnochio. Pluto and Daisy's lines were incredibly long so we got Chip N Dale's and then went over to Snow White's line but her line was closed too FAIL! So we hopped into Pinnochio's line and as we finished Mary Poppins came out and we nabbed her as well before we left. She was one of my favorites because she talked just like her. She said " All right ladies, spit spot, stand up straight and no slouching. Lets put on our best smiles." It sounded just like her. It made me happy. We left Magic Kingdom to get Courtney to work at Hollywood Studios. So Adam and I drove her and we just stayed to hang out at HS. We walked over to the Toy Story Mania but it was over a two hour wait so we went to the Back Lot Tour. As we walked up to the entrance one of the cast members who worked the attraction asked if we wanted to be volunteers. We looked at each other and said sure, why not. We walked through the back door with another couple from Nebraska and they had us put on these big blue wet resistant jump suits and giant black boots. I was thinking..."what did we get ourselves into?" Once we are dressed she pulls out onto the "set". Its a giant water scene they like to call Harbor Attack; there is military boat and a control looking room on the other side and a huge maching beside the room that looks really intimidating. We each have a part in the show and I was dubbed the mechanic, Adam the captain and the couple are the deckhands. There were rules to our role....mine was to remain seated and whatever I do, don't look left! So they let the audience in and what we were doing was demonstrating how movies were made to the audience. They all walked in and we were placed in our positions and my scene was going to be filmed first. So I was placed in the room next to the scary huge machine and the "director" came over and introduced me to the audience said that I was playing the mechanic and what I would have to do is in a minute the phone was going to buzz, I had to pick it up and look distraught because were we just hit by a torpedo and 1,000 gallons of water was about to come crashing down on me from my left side....WHAT? His last comment was " you might want to put your hood up" So I put my hood up and tightened all my clothes and prepared for the scene. He called action and I picked up the phone and pretended to panic when I hear a rumble and all of a sudden I'm pounded with 1,000 gallons of water in ten seconds or less. Lets just say that I don't think i'll have to take a shower for a month. So the others we playing on the boat and pretended to see incoming planes and they were "shot" at and steered the boat away, then there was the torpedo and fire and it was pretty dramatic. Afterwards the audience and us got to watch the 30 second harbor attack movie we made and it was pretty hilarious. So I got to star in a little film and get completely drenched in the process. It was so much fun. We continued our Hollywood Studios adventure and played in the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground, saw all 5 power rangers, Mike and Sully, and Buzz and Woody but my camera died so I'll have to go back. We even went to Tatooine and did Star Tours. When we came back, Cameron came over and talked to us about all the new stuff thats going to take place at the Magic Kingdom. If you love Fantasy Land and Toon Town you might want to come visit before it gets demolished next year. The are completely getting rid of Toon Town and expanding and re-doing the entire Fantasy Land. When they rebuild it there will be a castle, house or cottage for each princess where you can go and visit them and participate in an activity with them. So for instance, if you go to Belle's house you can go through her library, read her books, and participate in her story time. If you go to Aurora's house, she never had a 16th bday party so you can make her a bday card and have cake etc. They are building Beast's castle and making it "Be Our Guest" Resturaunt and Gaston's Tavern with Antlers and horns decorating all the walls. Dumbo's ride will double in size and be under a big top. Its going to be amazing but take pictures of the old place because it won't be there for long.

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