Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh and in case you were interested about auditions...

So yesterday was really long and very interesting. Its so far been the worst day at work with me just constantly making stupid mistakes and just being regularly clumsy. I'm pretty sure I'm not made out for food services and once I'm done with training....look out Pizzafari. Why couldnt' they just put me in attractions or somewhere that I would at least be good at or even mildly interested in. Now for the part you've all been waiting for

So I got out at around 3:30 and registration for auditions was from 3-4 and only a 5 minute drive. So I hoped on a bike from work and rode like Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France to the parking lot (we have bikes behind the scenes to get to place to place faster). I got to the parking lot of the auditions and striped down to my work out clothes because the place online said to wear comfortable clothes to move in for routines. So I follow all the signs getting more and more excited and I go around a corner and all of a sudden a woman comes out of a room and says hello and asks me if I'm auditioning. I said yes and she proceded to ask me if I was a CP (college programmer). Thats when I knew it was the end of the road. The whole time I've been hear everyone I've asked has said something different about whether kids in the college program can audition, some say yes and that they will change your contract and others say no and that the only way you can audition is if you extend your time here to next spring semester. So back to the story, the woman basically tells me that because I am a part of the college program I cannot audition. If I extend and wish to stay in the spring semester then I can come back and audition in November, but as of now....NO CPs :( So My dreams were crushed but I knew going into it that I would most likely not get it for one reason or another. I look at it this least they didn't dismiss me because I had an ugly face :)

So I had a bad day of work and was immediately sent home from auditions but it got better later that night. I went to Epcot and rode Test Track with the roomies and then rode a boat over to Hollywood Studios to hunt down our other roomies at work. We only found one but that was good enough for us. We met up with Adam, and had dinner. The roomies were really tired but I wanted to see Fantasmic and so did Adam so we stayed while everyone else went home. We got front row seats to the most amazing fireworks, waterworks, and over all technically advanced show ever, that I have seen at disney. They had disney princesses I never knew existed in character on light up water floats, like Meg from Hercules, Pocahontas and John Smith, and Mulan. I've never seen them before in character so it made might night. And they were all on a boat driven by Steamboat Willie. If you are a film lover or disney fan you have to appreciate that. So hanging out with Adam and seeing Fantasmic turned my really bad day into an amazing night :)

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