Saturday, September 12, 2009

Surprises Around Every Corner

So I had a pretty good day off with my roomie Courtney. We got to sleep in which is always amazing and neccesary on a day off. We were slow to start but once we got out of the house we headed to Magic Kingdom for some shopping and character hunting. We parked at Disney University and walked over to Property Control and Cast Connections. Property Control has all the lost and found that goes unclaimed after a certain amount of time and slightly broken or outdated Disney Merch for really really cheap for cast members. Cast Connections is basically just a discounted Cast Members only store. So I went there and got a wand for Madison's bday which is today!! After that we headed to the Cast VIP bus to go meet up with Danielle who walked us through the underground tunnels. Once again it was an......interesting walk :) We emerged on Main Street and so began our character hunting. We had our autograph books and cameras in hand set off toward Adventureland. We ran into Aladdin and Jasmine first and got in line right before the character attendant cut off the line. When it was our turn to meet them I was really excited because they actually took time to talk to you and make it really personal. They asked Courtney and I if we were sisters and we said no that we were roomates. Aladdin asked where we were roomates and we said Chatham Square and he looked at Jasmine and goes, "oh so they are CPs, I don't think we are allowed to talk to CPs" jokingly. Then he said "they must be O-F-F today". It was really cool that they were in character and weren't all at the same time. They talked to us like real people but stayed as Aladdin and Jasmine. Any other character would say something like "I've never heard of that Kingdom before". When we left Aladdin said "see you around Chatham" so I wonder if he's a CP? But they were my favorite of the day. We continued on our trek and met Captain Hook, Ariel in her grotto, Princess Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Silver Mist, Tinkerbell, Fawn, and Minnie and Mickey Mouse. It was weird seeing the princesses because Aurora had a twitch and studdarded a lot this time. I felt really bad for her, she looked like she was having a rough day. Silver Mist and Fawn are friends of Tink and we had to be "shrunk down" to fairy size to meet them and we weren't disappointed. They were some of the most amazing characters we met. It was like we were meeting the actual characters, so if you come to visit, go to Pixie Hollow. All the characters retired after that and we headed to the last Fantasmic show at Hollywood Studios and it never ceases to amaze me. I love that show :)

Of course it went downhill the next day when I had to return back to work. I had a lovely long day and the Clumsy Moment of the Day was when I rested my arm on a 510 degree oven and now have a nice burn line going down my left arm. 510 degrees = searing pain. But now I have a mark that resembles Lacey's and we really can be twins :) When I got home, I watched Glee and Vampire Diaries which I'm now addicted to even though Vampire Diaries seems like a little bit of a rip off of Twilight. But it has Boone from Lost in it so it can't be that bad. I met up with Adam a little later and we headed over to Downtown Disney to go bday shopping. It was difficult to shop because everything I recommended got shot down or I didn't think would be a good present, but I did find something I hope she likes, we'll find out. Overall, It was very relaxing and a lot of fun just walking around, watching side acts, and messing around in the stores. Gets your mind off of work.

Work today wasn't that bad. It was very slow because it every other day, so there weren't a lot of people. I was a busser to begin with and it started off pretty well. Since it was raining out, a lot of characters cant be outside so Flick from Bugs Life came into Pizzafari and interacted with the guests all day, stealing their food, wearing their rain ponchos and of course posing for pictures and autographs. He even helped me clean up tables and did the "its clean" dance with me. It made my a day. Since it was so slow, I got an ER and went home early for my two days off. Tonight I get to go to Cirque De Solei's La Nuba and I'm soooooo excited! Its the only place in the world to see it and I heard its pretty amazing....I'll let you know :)

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