Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tis' the Season...Already?

Where the Wild Things Are....not exactly what I thought it was going to be but still an amazing movie filled with great cinematography and tons of symbolism. Good film Spike Jonez, good film. I also had the priveledge of seeing Saw 6. And lo and behold it was filled with more traps and twisted ways to kill people with bodies falling left and right bloody and distorted. yeah.... I can't believe I paid to see it, its all very predictable now.

Princess Tiana made her debute at the Magic Kingdom in preporation for her movie coming out in December. TV crews and media from all over flooded the Magic Kingdom. Princess Tiana rode in a horse drawn carriage down main street to Cinderella's Castle where a huge crowd awaited her. On the stage were all the Princesses and their Princes, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Jessie, Woody, Peter, Wendy, and other characters waiting to welcome her to the family. They had the royal guard read the proclamation when she arrived and a parade procession led her out. She started her meet and greets alongside her prince, Prince Naveen, and their show together called Tiana's Showboat Jubilee. It was a once in a lifetime thing to welcome a new princess to the kingdom. If you want to watch the proclamation which I reccomend, here's the link :)

I also took my first beach trip since I've been down here to Clearwater Beach on the Gulf Coast. It took forever to find and was about a 2 hour drive but once me, Alexis, and Chris got there, we were in heaven, or at least I was. The sand was white and really fine and littered with sea shells. The water was nice and clear and we could see fish swimming all around. The weather was perfect a little cool but since the sun was out it made it nice and warm. We played football, layed in the sun with my ipod in, walked the beach for shells, and just relaxed. It was perfect and much needed until I returned to my car where I found a ticket on my wind shield for being ten minutes late to the meter. uggg, really? my first ticket and only cause I was ten minutes late! The parking lot was dead! Stupid cop.

I've spent a lot of my free days with my friend Melanie from work and she's just as character obsessed as I am only she has more! She has taken me all over to character spots I never knew about. We went to Animal Kingdom and got tons of characters and then headed over to Hollywood Studios where she showed us the Fantasmic Characters and had about 10-12 different characters come out per set with 2 different sets. On another day we headed over to Epcot and went around the world to find characters I hadn't met yet. We met Mulan in China, blue dress Belle with the Beast in France, and Snow White in Germany. While we were waiting for Snow White, which by the way I was wearing my new favorite Snow White shirt and a red bow in my hair, I recieved a compliment that said I looked just like Snow White which basically made my day. Then when she came out, they guy behind me said that I looked more like Snow White than she (snow white) did. My happiness increased X10. After we took our pictures the character attendant stopped and talked to me. She said "oh well you must be friends with somebody". Disney speak means "oh well you must play a character or be a princess". And I said no I'm just a CP. I work at Pizzafari. The character attendant told me that I should really attend auditions coming up because I definetly look like I could be a character. So we talked for about 10 minutes and I am thoroughly on a pixie dust high. And now I want to extremely audition but I have one problem. I have to go back to school in the ifs, ands, or buts. So my solution? If I am chosen to become a character of sorts, I will go seasonal, meaning I only have to log 40hrs (which I could do in a week) a year. I could come down during Christmas break for a week and help out with the busy times. Auditions are this Thursday so I have until then to decide.

The Sum of October

All right, lets catch you up on the latest enstallment of the DCP: Chronicles of a Poor Slave. I'm kidding. October was Mickeytastic :)

October was filled with a bunch of spooktacular events such as Universal's Horror Nights and Mickey's Not So Scarey Halloween Party. Horror Nights blew any old haunted house out of the water. The College Program sponsors housing events where they give a discounted price and transportation and sometimes meals. Basically they take care of everything. So Brunella and Pam and I took our purple wrist bands, hopped on the bus and bravely walked down City Walk to Universal Studios not knowing what to expect. Arm and Arm we reach the gates to be greeted by the undead. Ok not so bad. We grab a map and try to get an idea of what we are in for. The park has 3 types of activities: Haunted Houses, Scare Zones, and of course rides. Haunted Houses were themed mainly for movies like Dracula, Chucky, Wolf Man, and of course Saw. Scare Zones are areas set up throughout the park that you have to walk through to get from one place to another, they consisted of war zones, evil carnivals, apocolypes, diseased quarentine zones etc. And they had rides of Universal open but they weren't themed to halloween so it really didn't matter. The Haunted Houses were unlike any I've ever walked through. Its like you stepped right into the movie. So much detail went into setting it up and the actors were really good at popping around corners with chainsaws or warning you to stay away and even screaming for help. The scariest I would most definetly say would have to be the Saw house. Everything was themed just like the movie from the time you walked in all excited to the end where you stumbled out pale. When you enter, you enter into the lair and hq of Jigsaw himself, where camera's surround you as you watch people in their traps and if you pay close attention you see yourself on one of the tvs. As you continue, you encounter past trapped victims begging you for help, persons in pig masks jumping out and following you with knives and shots attempting to capture you. At one point we arrived at the girl who had to stick her hand in acid to get the key to her contraption. She was crying and pleading with us and she stuck her hand in the acid, attempting to grab the key, screamed and whipped her hand out, flinging whatever the "acid" was all over my face including my eyes. Thats when I freak out and am concerned about what was just flung all over me, so I'm not paying attention anymore when a guy with a chainsaw comes right around the corner as I turn it and completely catches me off guard. I fly back screaming hitting the opposite wall and taking Nella with me to the ground. We hurry out the exit as the guy with the chainsaw just stares at us, probably laughing hysterically on the inside. Best Haunted House Ever!! The scare zones were pretty creepy too. Themed just like the movies, the actors followed you around, crept up behind you, and jumped out of places you didn't know exsisted. They had diseases that made their faces melt off, limbs missing, and plenty of deadly weapons. When I walked through Lights, Camera, Hacktion, an actor thought it would be funny to follow me with a chainsaw. ok, i'm fine with that except he put it right up to my calves to the point where I could smell the gas and feel the heat and slight breeze from the running motor about to hack off my legs. It had me a little on edge. The rest of the night consisted of much of the same excitement. Universal, you have succesfully scared me.

Mickey's Not So Scarey Halloween Party on the other hand was more of a fun, running around like a 7-year old hyped on chocolate kind of night. The roomies and I all dressed up and made our way to Magic Kingdom. Courtney and I were both fairies from pixie hollow, she was Tinkerbell and I was Fawn. Brunnella was Tiger Lily and Danielle and Alice. Courtney and I are character enthusiasts to put it lightly, and certain characters only come out for the Halloween party once a year, so the plan for that night was nothing but character hunting. We arrived and immediately took off. No joke, we literally ran around the park. We got Snow White and all 7 Dwarves, the Mad Hatter, Tarzan, Jane and Terk, The Queen of Hearts, The White Rabbit, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, Timon, Rafiki, Bullzeye, and other characters dressed in their Halloween outfits. The Hallowishes fireworks display was amazing. Not only did they light up the sky behind the castle but they took it to another level and they made the fireworks go off all around you around the park so you were surround by a spectacular light display. It inspired me so much, I now have the soundtrack to Hallowishes and the Boo to You Parade. Oh the parade!! It started off with the Headless Horseman riding through the park at a gallop. Do you know how hard it is to normally ride a horse with your head? This guy was at a full gallop, in the dark, with no head, carrying a pumpkin. I was completely in awe. The parade had all sorts of characters in their cute costumes, ghouls and ghosts dancing and stumbling down the parade route, and a variety of villians including the hyenias of the lion king and the sheriff of nottingham from robin hood. And at the end goofy rode in on a huge candy float and handed out loads of candy. Once the parade was over we tied up any loose ends character wise and hit up the trick or treat stations for some sugar intake. I'm pretty sure Halloween is my new favorite holiday :)

Let's see.....this month my sister also came and visited. Aimee had a quick, and when I say quick I mean less than 24 hr, business trip to orlando and just happened to be staying in a hotel only 10 mins away from me! I picked her up from her hotel after work and we went out to dinner at Disney's Boardwalk and had an amazing time catching up and just having the sister bonding I never had growing up. It was nice to actually sit down and talk about boy problems and open up. I hope we can do it again soon in the future.

I am also now an official magician's assistant. At Downtown Disney they have a shop called Magic Masters. You can go in and watch them do an assortment of magic tricks, ask questions, etc. Well one of the things that I've always wanted to do was to disappear or be levitated. So I asked one of the magicians if they do any of those things and if so I could be the volunteer. He said they do magic shows every once and a while and that they were doing one tonight where they could make me disappear and go to Tokyo Disney. Hell Yea!!!! So he told me that they would start off with some smaller tricks and when he asked for a volunteer to raise my hand and he would pick on me to disappear. So the show began and the audience was interested and when he called for the volunteer of course I raised my hand, was called on and taken back behind the glass/giant window, to the.....BOX. So I stepped in and he told me to wave to everyone and say goodbye because I was going to Tokyo Disney for the day. So I waved goodbye heard some gasps and I was gone. Tokyo disney was amazing. I couldn't understand anyone but the weather was great and I got some awesome suiveniers. I reappeared and it looked like I was only gone a few minutes but for me I spent practically a whole day in Tokyo. After the show was over I got a lovely certificate that made me a magicians assistant and free magic trick that I am now a pro at :) Look out Cris Angel, there's a new magician in town.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

So I Made a List

Of Everything I need to update you on so there might be multiple posts or just one extremely long one. So get out your reading glasses boys and girls and if you don't have any, you will by the time this post is done.

So We have $6 movies at the AMC for cast members, I'm taking full advantage of that considering movies at home are like $9 for an extremely small screen. So I've Seen District 9, Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3D, and last night I saw Saw 6. District 9....not what I thought it was going to be but still an interesting movie concept. At least its not another remake or an adaptation from a book, as far as I know. Saw 6 was ok. Not as good as the others and hopefully its the last one of the series. I'd wait til it comes out on DVD. After Saw 6 I played DDR with some co-workers and totally beat their heels. Thats right, I'm that awesome. As for Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3D it was amazing. So much better in 3D and funnier now that I'm older to catch the inside adult jokes. They even had a preview for Toy Story 3! It looks really good and I hope it doesn't butcher the other two. In case you want to check out the preview here's the link.

So I also got my perminent license plates for Tank. He's happy now and actually currently full of pixie dust so he'll probably still sparkle when I get back and smell of macintosh apples. But anyway,

Works been pretty crazy. I'm really comfortable now at Pizzafari and have made some great friends. I've even made friends with a few girls from Korea and China. They've been teaching me little phrases and words in their language and I think I'm going to be pretty fluent when I return. I can only hope. Some of the things they taught me weren't the best things to repeat in a family environment so they have a fun time teaching me bad words and seeing how well I can pronounce them. Chinese I'm pretty good at speaking but as far as spanish goes...not so much.
zài jiàn!
So I went to print off my schedule for my next week of work and I checked my hours for next week and instead of saying Pizzafari like it should say, it said Resturauntasaurus. I was being deployed across the park. I had never heard of anyone getting deployed there before only Flametree and back because we share the same costume. So I talked to the manager and said I didn't sign up to get deployed and was wondering why I was being moved. They thought it was weird too that I would be deployed without signing up to be so they asked another person who is in charge of deployments and she said I was chosen at random to start their new deployment process. So I was suppose to be there all week but I only ended up working there 2 days. The two days I worked there wasn't that great. Everyone was just kind of on their own and was very boring and didn't really say hi or was interested in what I was doing there. Where as at Pizzafari I had a bunch of CPs come up to me and make friends and we sing songs and dance around the kitchen and are sooo laid back. They are so uptight at Resto. Maybe its because I didn't know anyone but it was really different and not for the better. On the third day there, I forgot my name tag and you have to have your nametag. So I felt bad but I knew that if you did forget yours, the managers have some to replace yours so you don't have to run home. So I told the managers at Resto and they took me back to find a new name tag but all they had were boy nametags so then they thought, oh pizzafari has nametags. So they told me to run over to Pizzafari (which is all the way across the park) and get a female name tag. So it took a bit to find my way over there back stage since I wasn't in "full costume" I couldn't go "on stage". So I got over there and dug through some nametags before I picked Sally as my name for the day. Trust me, Sally was the best name they had. It was that or Deby or Barbara. Yeah so I was Sally and my manager asked if I was able to maybe come back over here and close when I was done working at Resto. I said if they needed me I would love to come back. So he tried to call the manager at Resto to ask but they didn't pick up so he said to head back over their and the Resto managers would let me know if I was coming back over. So I headed back across the park and as soon as I walked in they asked what I was doing there, they thought I was staying at Pizzafari. So I called Pizzafari and they said just to come back and work the whole day over there. So on my way out the Resto manager said "if you don't feel like coming into work the rest of the week you dont have to". I was like wtf. I need to pay my bills and you can't just say I don't have to come in because I'll get points (you don't want points) on my card and I don't want points. So I wandered over to Pizzafari again and they told me that they would give me hours the rest of the week. I had to work in the back that day since I didn't have the right costume on and they didn't want to send me to costuming. Then after the day was over I stepped on my friends glasses and then almost got hit by a bus. Not the best day. I kept telling myself fml fml fml. So Resturauntasaurus wasnt' a great experience and now a lot of my friends are getting deployed at Epcot when they didn't sign up. Long story short, work has been really screwy.

One of my co-workers, Pedro, also had his birthday last week so we celebrated. It was my first party at Vista Way and it reminded me of school so much. An apartment party full of friends listening to music and just chilling out. It was fun but I don't plan on going often because security here actually does their job and broke up the party a little after I left. I'm not getting terminated for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Girls Who Eat Their Feelings

So I havent posted in a while...I know. Bad me. I took my time out in the corner and had some time about what I did wrong and I decided to write a super amazing post to summerize the spectacular week I just had. So here goes......

So I had three days off in a row and I wanted to relax the first day but be productive. So Sam from across the hall, Pam and I went shopping at Target when Sam gets a text from his roommate, Cameron, who tells him that none other than the Johnny Depp is currently occupying Magic Kingdom with his presence. WHAT?! So as soon as we get back from Target, me, Cameron, Brunella, and Pam all go on a quest to find THE Jack Sparrow. Along the way, Cameron tells us about how he found out. He was working merchandise on Main Street USA and noticed 8 security guards in his store, 7 more then what is normally there. He thought that that was odd when an older lady in a motorized wheel chair approached him. She asked him if he could help her find her son. He said of course and asked what her son's name was. She said Johnny. So Cameron and this woman are looking through the store and Cameron thinks he's looking for a young boy, when she spots him and says "oh there he is" and points. And Cameron thinks oh he's a big johnny. So he walk her over to him and they talk for a minute or two and as he's walking away, he realizes who he just talked to. Johnny was supposed to come to the Magic Kingdom soon anyway for the Halloween parade, but decided to come a little early to fly under the radar of everyone. So anyway back to the quest..... We roll up to Magic Kingdom and scour the place. We heard that he might do the Pirate Tutorial by the Pirates of the Carribean ride (which is where a Jack Sparrow look-a-like and a sidekick come and teach little kids how to be pirates) and the day parade. Well we went to two Tutorials and saw the ending of the day parade and there was no sign of Johnny. Well that night was Mickey's not so scary halloween party and the park closed early. It also takes 3 hours for Johnny to put his pirate makeup on so by the time we figured out that he wasn't in the pirate shows, he would be in the underground tunnels getting his hair and makeup done. So my quest was a bust, but my roomates, Brunella and Danielle, both saw him while they worked the event that night. So I'll keep my hopes up in that he will come into Animal Kingdom and decide to eat at Pizzafari while he is on vacation this week.

The next day we decided to conquer Epcot because that is the only park I have not seen in its entirety. We couldn't go til late because no one got off until then, so we only got in two hours in the park but it was an awesome two hours. We went on Mission: Space which is my new favorite ride and anyone who comes to visit me needs to ride it. Then we went over to do Turtle Talk with Crush. Its where you go into a big room and sit down and actually talk to crush. He asks questions and interviews a few people and its actually a lot of fun. So we went and sat down and I thought he would only talk to the kids and us "grown ups" where only there to watch and enjoy. Well Crush was doing "interviews" and was picking out kids when he said "well what about that dudette on the left in the pick shirt and black lid". Uhhhh I'm wearing a pink shirt and a black lid and I'm sitting on the left.....yay! So the lady comes over with the microphone and Crush asks me my name and where I'm from and who I'm with. I tell him I'm here with my friends and he asked if I drove with my human dudes or flew. I said that I drove and he asked me how driving works. So I said its when "you take your "fins" and turn a wheel back and forth to steer while at the same time pushing pedals with your feet to stop and go" and I look up and Crush has his mouth open and a very confused look on his face and says "you human dudes are some very confusing dudes" and everyone just busts out laughing. It was one of those things you had to be there for. It was really cute and I was really happy that I was picked to actually talk to made my day and gave me some pixie dust. Well after Talking with Crush we headed to find seats for the World Showcase fireworks. Well we got to Mexico when the heavens decided open up and release weeks of rain all in one night. I felt like I was caught in a hurricane and there was no sign of it letting up. I had no umbrella, no raincoat, no rain boots. Just me and my purse and the rain. For some strange reason they kept the fireworks going even though it was raining so hard that you could even see them and it hurt looking up trying to find them. So I gave up trying to stay dry and embraced the rain. Brunella and I played in puddles and skipped and danced in the rain without a care in the world soaked to the bone, and it was the best and simplest kind of fun I ever experienced. I can't wait to do it again.

Day 3 of my days off was concert day :) Brunella and Courtney both called off of work "sick" and by the time we got ready to go and out of bed, it was too late to go to the beach, so we headed straight for Tampa. We got there early and got a good parking spot where all the tailgaters were and but headed inside to find good lawn seats...(if such a thing exists). On the way there we passed a war veteran who kept saying "Freedom isn't free. Help support war veterans." Basically if you gave him money you got a mini US flag. He was really creepy and I felt bad for him but everytime he said Freedom isn't free I just broke into song from the Team America soundtrack. So I felt bad but was laughing at the same time. Anyway, upon entering the venue they tell you that no bags of any kind, blankets, chairs etc can be taken in. Basically only the things you can carry or stick in your pockets that does not include a camera because they will take those. So I have no pictures and had to sit in the grass which I'm allergic to. Florida concert venues suck compared to VA. On with the show, we are front and center of the lawn seats and within a half hour, the Blink 182 reunion tour starts. Asher Roth opens up and no one really cares or knows his songs besides I Love College and even then it was a bust. The All-American Rejects came out to perform next and I was completely shocked when Tyson graced the stage with his presence. Not only was he shirtless but he was also covered in sparkles (no vampire jokes) and that wasn't even the shocking part. He was rolled out in a wheel chair with his right leg in a full brace! He tells us that he cant feel anything below the waist because of the pain pills that hes currently medicating himself with. He called up one lucky fan to wheel him around on stage and I was so envious of her, getting to wheel around my rock god. ugggg jealousy is an evil monster and it drove me insane. He performed well for being in his state of mind but he wasn't himself. He didn't even sing Gives You Hell at the end. The band played the song but he didn't sing. I was sad he was hurt but happy that he still decided to perform through the pain too. We were lucky, because they just cancelled their next three shows because of Tyson's injury, get better soon! Next came Fall Out Boy and they played surprisingly well. The boys next to us were in love with them and were constantly moshing. The highlight of their performance was when they played Journey's Don't Stop Believing and didn't butcher it. It brought me back to camp and made me smile :) And last but certainly not least was Blink 182. They played all the classics and all my favorites with one liners and funny quotes that made no sense but fit right in with the show. The cherry on top was when Travis Barker did his drum solo. Travis began and the platform he was performing on began to rise and looked like it was levitating off the floor. I can't even describe it and the amazingness it spread throughout the arena so go watch it at this link :)

After the show we went to McDonalds and made of Brunella who ate ice cream by herself. She is now and forever shall be known as lonely girl who eats her feelings. Go ahead and put it in the good story basket. This week also consisted on going to see District 9 (which was very...interesting for a lack of a better word), traveling to the Food and Wine festival at Epcot, disney movie marathons, working long shifts and giving up off days, talking to a Disney Tech guy, playing tennis and football, trying to find a PO with no luck, stomping dance parties, and my roommates boyfriend cross dressing and modeling for us.

Until next time....chow

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dance Marathons, Greek Cousine, and Kitchen Sinks

Sorry there hasn't been a post in a while but I'll try to sum up all the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The bad....I had and still am working 10 days in a row and my license plates came late so I had to take the bus...I hate the bus.

The ugly, your face...just kidding nothing is ugly in Florida :)

The Good :)
So Nella and I decided that we wanted to do something after work one day. No one else was home and we didn't want to just sit around so we went to Downtown Disney to check out Disney Quest. Well DQ was not free for us and with only two hours left before it closed we didn't want to pay for only two hours of fun. So we walked around because Nella had never seen the whole place. So we walked through Pleasure Island and got to the Marketplace and stopped for something to eat. We grabbed a bite and sat outside in the open pavillion and watched this guy teach the audience all these different famous dances one after the other. I immediately hopped up and started dancing. When Cotton Eye Joe came on I was so excited and I turn to Nella and tell her to hop up and she says that she's never heard of this song! WHAT?! Who has never heard of Cotton Eye Joe? Apparently the west coast. So my new mission is to teach her the ways of the east. Anyway, so after I was appalled and we finished eating we walked back toward Pleasure Island and another DJ started playing music and the host walked out and started getting a crowd together and doing the cupid shuffle. So we joined in and did a few other dances before a huge crowd joined in or watched. So then he asked for the best of the best dancers to volunteer for a dance competition. I point to Nella and Nella points to me and the host goes "we have two volunteers" and pulls us both in. We look at each other and I start thinking, what did I get myself into. So there is about 20 of us of all ages from like 5 to 75. They play 3 songs for 45 seconds and then 3 judges (random audience members) choose the top 4 contestants for a dance off. So they play the first and second song and they are all older cuter music like twist and shout etc and I keep it pg not knowing how to dance to that in a family oriented atmosphere. Then Boom Boom Pow comes on. Thats my jam. I can dance to that. So I break out the heal toe and the two step for the whole 45 secs. The host goes " oh know she didn't! get it girl!" and his back up dancers start following me! So then the competition is over and the judges must decide. Nella's convinced that I'll make it and I just need to catch my breath. So they pick two little girls around 6 dressed as princesses from the day at bibbiti boppiti boutique, an older man in his 50s, and the girl in the black hat....i was the girl in the black hat. Wow. I beat out everyone to make it to the finals. That was my whole arsenal though. What was I going to do now? Well the final before they crown the winner was one more song for 45 secs and of course its an oldy. So I throw the competion to the little girls and dance my little pg heart out. So both girls tied of course for the win, but I still got a cool little button that says dance finalist :) Score!

This week was also the grand opening of Kouzziana, the Greek and Mediterranean resteraunt by Cat Cora on Disney's Boardwalk. Our next door neighbor, Sam, had a reservation for 4 and invited "the girls next door" to accompany him to the opening. So Courtney and I were the only one's who had the night off, so we got all dressed up and Sam took us out to eat. The resteraunt was really nice and had an open kitchen where you could watch all the chefs fix your food no matter where you were sitting. We all tried something new which included lamb burgers, cinnamon chicken and rice, and a vegetarian lasagna. After our amazing meal and service we got a picture with all the chefs saying OPA! We actually just missed meeting Cat Cora herself by just an hour. But it was still an amazing night.

So one of my fellow co-workers, matt, is leaving Pizzafari (lucky) to go become a coordinator at Epcot. Part of his departure and farewell was to take a bunch of us out to Beaches and Creme to conquer.....THE KITCHEN SINK! Now the kitchen sink is not for the feint of heart. It consists of 6 scoops of ice cream, a whole can of whip cream, chocolate and caramel syrup, chocolate chips, sprinkles, nuts, cherries, and even a few oreos all in a huge bowl shaped like a kitchen sink, faucet and all. So five coworkers and I went to challenge the beast and the lights dimmed and the flashing lights came on, the kitchen sink came out, and we demolished that whole thing. There was no need for dinner because that was a meal in itself. We celebrated the destruction of the sink by telling jokes, roasting co-workers, and watching EPCOT fireworks before retiring home.

Oh and i got thrown into the pool with all my clothes on and I'm seeking revenge on the 3 culprits. Ill let you know how that goes down :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Whatever You Do, Don't Look Left!

If you have never seen a Cirque du Soleil show, put that on your Bucket List because you have to go see one. Saturday night was La Nuba night. It was in a giant white tent at Downtown Disney. You walk into the arena find it unusually small but very personal. The stage looks small at first but it has tricks up its sleeve. Our seats are a category 3 out of 3 being the farthest away but even a category 3 is like floor seats for a regular rock concert. It was pretty amazing. Every seat had an amazing view. The show started with these two older clown guys just messing around with the audience which was pretty funny and kept us occupied until the show started, but once the show started, the mouth dropping and awe struck faces began. They had tight rope walkers and at one point the girl was hand standing on the guys head as he walked across the rope. Insane! They had two bicyclists who did tricks throughout the audience and on different levels. They had 4 little asian girls who were around 5 years old doing mind blowing tricks with these big yo-yo things. It made me feel like I was wasting my life because they were so talented and the audience loved them. They had the typical trapeze artists, balancing act, swinging cloth rope artists, and trampoline act which weren't typical. No words can really describe that show, you'll have to see it for yourself when you come visit :)

So the next two days I had off. My first day was really relaxing and I just lounged around and ran errands because I was the only one home. When Courtney came back we went to Hollywood studios and watched Fantasmic again which is always a good show. The next day I wanted to go to the beach but the weather was supposed to be bad so I stayed home and Courtney and Danielle and I went to Magic Kingdom to continue our quest for every character's signature and picture. We entered main street right as the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It block party began. It had all sorts of characters and music and basically you could go on the street with them and dance and celebrate. We got to party with Goofy and Genie and they taught us dances and even started a conga line around Main Street USA. After our fiesta we started our quest which was very slow. We couldn't find any characters that either we didn't have or they had a long line or weren't out yet. We got Tigger and Pooh first and Tigger was literally bouncing off the walls with energy and was all over the place which was fun. We then walked over to Adventure Land and saw Peter and Wendy. I was really excited to meet them but Peter kind of had an attitude and Wendy just wasn't as cool as I thought she would be. She did have a British accent though so that was kind of authentic. We found Alice but her line was closed so we'll have to go another day. So after being there 3 hours and only getting 4 signatures we started to head out and ran into a billion characters. There was Chip N Dale, Pluto, Daisy Duck, Snow White, and Pinnochio. Pluto and Daisy's lines were incredibly long so we got Chip N Dale's and then went over to Snow White's line but her line was closed too FAIL! So we hopped into Pinnochio's line and as we finished Mary Poppins came out and we nabbed her as well before we left. She was one of my favorites because she talked just like her. She said " All right ladies, spit spot, stand up straight and no slouching. Lets put on our best smiles." It sounded just like her. It made me happy. We left Magic Kingdom to get Courtney to work at Hollywood Studios. So Adam and I drove her and we just stayed to hang out at HS. We walked over to the Toy Story Mania but it was over a two hour wait so we went to the Back Lot Tour. As we walked up to the entrance one of the cast members who worked the attraction asked if we wanted to be volunteers. We looked at each other and said sure, why not. We walked through the back door with another couple from Nebraska and they had us put on these big blue wet resistant jump suits and giant black boots. I was thinking..."what did we get ourselves into?" Once we are dressed she pulls out onto the "set". Its a giant water scene they like to call Harbor Attack; there is military boat and a control looking room on the other side and a huge maching beside the room that looks really intimidating. We each have a part in the show and I was dubbed the mechanic, Adam the captain and the couple are the deckhands. There were rules to our role....mine was to remain seated and whatever I do, don't look left! So they let the audience in and what we were doing was demonstrating how movies were made to the audience. They all walked in and we were placed in our positions and my scene was going to be filmed first. So I was placed in the room next to the scary huge machine and the "director" came over and introduced me to the audience said that I was playing the mechanic and what I would have to do is in a minute the phone was going to buzz, I had to pick it up and look distraught because were we just hit by a torpedo and 1,000 gallons of water was about to come crashing down on me from my left side....WHAT? His last comment was " you might want to put your hood up" So I put my hood up and tightened all my clothes and prepared for the scene. He called action and I picked up the phone and pretended to panic when I hear a rumble and all of a sudden I'm pounded with 1,000 gallons of water in ten seconds or less. Lets just say that I don't think i'll have to take a shower for a month. So the others we playing on the boat and pretended to see incoming planes and they were "shot" at and steered the boat away, then there was the torpedo and fire and it was pretty dramatic. Afterwards the audience and us got to watch the 30 second harbor attack movie we made and it was pretty hilarious. So I got to star in a little film and get completely drenched in the process. It was so much fun. We continued our Hollywood Studios adventure and played in the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground, saw all 5 power rangers, Mike and Sully, and Buzz and Woody but my camera died so I'll have to go back. We even went to Tatooine and did Star Tours. When we came back, Cameron came over and talked to us about all the new stuff thats going to take place at the Magic Kingdom. If you love Fantasy Land and Toon Town you might want to come visit before it gets demolished next year. The are completely getting rid of Toon Town and expanding and re-doing the entire Fantasy Land. When they rebuild it there will be a castle, house or cottage for each princess where you can go and visit them and participate in an activity with them. So for instance, if you go to Belle's house you can go through her library, read her books, and participate in her story time. If you go to Aurora's house, she never had a 16th bday party so you can make her a bday card and have cake etc. They are building Beast's castle and making it "Be Our Guest" Resturaunt and Gaston's Tavern with Antlers and horns decorating all the walls. Dumbo's ride will double in size and be under a big top. Its going to be amazing but take pictures of the old place because it won't be there for long.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Surprises Around Every Corner

So I had a pretty good day off with my roomie Courtney. We got to sleep in which is always amazing and neccesary on a day off. We were slow to start but once we got out of the house we headed to Magic Kingdom for some shopping and character hunting. We parked at Disney University and walked over to Property Control and Cast Connections. Property Control has all the lost and found that goes unclaimed after a certain amount of time and slightly broken or outdated Disney Merch for really really cheap for cast members. Cast Connections is basically just a discounted Cast Members only store. So I went there and got a wand for Madison's bday which is today!! After that we headed to the Cast VIP bus to go meet up with Danielle who walked us through the underground tunnels. Once again it was an......interesting walk :) We emerged on Main Street and so began our character hunting. We had our autograph books and cameras in hand set off toward Adventureland. We ran into Aladdin and Jasmine first and got in line right before the character attendant cut off the line. When it was our turn to meet them I was really excited because they actually took time to talk to you and make it really personal. They asked Courtney and I if we were sisters and we said no that we were roomates. Aladdin asked where we were roomates and we said Chatham Square and he looked at Jasmine and goes, "oh so they are CPs, I don't think we are allowed to talk to CPs" jokingly. Then he said "they must be O-F-F today". It was really cool that they were in character and weren't all at the same time. They talked to us like real people but stayed as Aladdin and Jasmine. Any other character would say something like "I've never heard of that Kingdom before". When we left Aladdin said "see you around Chatham" so I wonder if he's a CP? But they were my favorite of the day. We continued on our trek and met Captain Hook, Ariel in her grotto, Princess Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Silver Mist, Tinkerbell, Fawn, and Minnie and Mickey Mouse. It was weird seeing the princesses because Aurora had a twitch and studdarded a lot this time. I felt really bad for her, she looked like she was having a rough day. Silver Mist and Fawn are friends of Tink and we had to be "shrunk down" to fairy size to meet them and we weren't disappointed. They were some of the most amazing characters we met. It was like we were meeting the actual characters, so if you come to visit, go to Pixie Hollow. All the characters retired after that and we headed to the last Fantasmic show at Hollywood Studios and it never ceases to amaze me. I love that show :)

Of course it went downhill the next day when I had to return back to work. I had a lovely long day and the Clumsy Moment of the Day was when I rested my arm on a 510 degree oven and now have a nice burn line going down my left arm. 510 degrees = searing pain. But now I have a mark that resembles Lacey's and we really can be twins :) When I got home, I watched Glee and Vampire Diaries which I'm now addicted to even though Vampire Diaries seems like a little bit of a rip off of Twilight. But it has Boone from Lost in it so it can't be that bad. I met up with Adam a little later and we headed over to Downtown Disney to go bday shopping. It was difficult to shop because everything I recommended got shot down or I didn't think would be a good present, but I did find something I hope she likes, we'll find out. Overall, It was very relaxing and a lot of fun just walking around, watching side acts, and messing around in the stores. Gets your mind off of work.

Work today wasn't that bad. It was very slow because it every other day, so there weren't a lot of people. I was a busser to begin with and it started off pretty well. Since it was raining out, a lot of characters cant be outside so Flick from Bugs Life came into Pizzafari and interacted with the guests all day, stealing their food, wearing their rain ponchos and of course posing for pictures and autographs. He even helped me clean up tables and did the "its clean" dance with me. It made my a day. Since it was so slow, I got an ER and went home early for my two days off. Tonight I get to go to Cirque De Solei's La Nuba and I'm soooooo excited! Its the only place in the world to see it and I heard its pretty amazing....I'll let you know :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Earned My Ears!

So I haven't really updated in the past few days because there was really nothing really to update on. I've been working a lot and finally have a day off tomorrow. But I know some of you are asking..... " But Amanda, what do you do at Pizzafari?" Well my friends, I will tell you the answer. Everything. I've been training with a Pastry Chef named Jamie from Nebraska and our trainer is a short funny lady who is really sweet but has the most diabolical laugh that makes me laugh on the inside and shiver at the same time. Everyday we do something different and learn something new. We could start out by setting up the front half of the serving section by stocking the refridgerators cleaning/sanitizing, putting in trash bags, adding ice etc. We could make a lot of deli's meaning huge sandwiches for the entire day. We could be kitchen stockers and make sure there is always lettuce for the salad station, pizzas for the hearth, deli's made and in the fridge, plenty of pesto and tomatoes, taking out the trash (which has the worst smell in the entire world and makes me want to throw up everytime). When you are stockers of any kind a lot of the stuff is kept in huge walk in coolers and freezers. These freezers are huge and packed with tons of food so if you are ever hungry and working in the back, don't go in the freezer or you're terminated for eating a piece of cheese. That reminds me. We can't eat the food there. Its not free and if we want to purchase it we have to change our clothes go out to the front and order it like a guest. If we get caught eating the food or taking it home, even if its leftovers, then we immediately get terminated. Its a bit scary when you're starving. Anyway back to jobs. Those are just some of the jobs in the back or backstage is the official Disney Term. Onstage we have Trash duty....self explanitory but it goes to one person because there are 21 trash cans that you are in charge of and trust me, you are always changing bags. There are greeters which stand at the doors and...well....greet people but you also answer questions and get to pin trade. Pin Trading, for those who don't know, is the exchanging of pins. Disney has many pin stations where they sell hundreds of different pins to put on lanyards and guests can purchase them and trade with anyone that has pins. So tons of guests come up to our bulletin board full of pins and like to trade. Its a lot of fun, well the most fun at Pizzafari. Then you can also be a busser which basically means keep your area clean like sweeping floors and wiping tables and talking to guests. Thats basically it for the jobs. At Pizzafari our entire resturaunt is hand painted with tons of animals in their habitats. We have four dinning rooms and all of them are themed. We have the upside down room where all the animals are upside down, the nocternal room, the house room where it has all animals that carry their own homes like turtles and kangaroos etc, and then the camo room. We have a bunch of hidden Mickeys which are mickey mouse shaped figures hiding in the painting and we like to point them out to guests, we have a tail but no body hanging from the ceiling and two zebra's with 9 legs. Its an interesting restaraunt.

So I think I forgot to mention that I'm not made for food service at all. I spill things and drop things and mix up orders and constantly have to be corrected. Me and food service are like oil and water...we just don't mix. For instance, I set a bucket of ice on the ground forgetting that everything has to be set off the ground at least 6 inches or thrown away, I dropped just washed pans on the ground that have to be rewashed, I let a crate of orange juice slide into my trainer, spilled trash juice on my boss's shoes, flipped pizza on the ground trying to get it out of the hearth, its just not for me and my co-trainee, since she's a pastry chef already knows this and I just feel like an idiot. Why can't they make me tech somewhere else where I can be more productive and less of a bother?

Today was my first day not training, and it started off amazingly. On my way to work I was rear ended by another cast member. She thought I turned and accelerated right into me. I went flying forward and almost hit the stearing wheel. It was more then a bump and I thought my bumper was smashed in. We checked it out and the girl was really apologetic but my tank of a car didn't even have a scratch and neither did hers. But that was the first accident I was in and it scared me half to death. I'm really surprised I don't have whip lash, but I guess we'll find out later. Onto better things, I got to work early because it was the Fall Festival at DAK and they had a liquidation sale of 75% off for cast members on 3 rooms full of merch. I walked out with $165 worth of goodies for $45. Yay Christmas presents. I went to work and got kitchen stocker and trash duty for the whole day. That sucked big time and clocking out couldn't come fast enough. Came home to an empty apt because everyone else had the day off to go play and shop and I had to work. Luckily I have the day off tomorrow and I might be going to Fort Desoto Beach or more liquidation sales :) Going to be a good day tomorrow...hopefully

Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh and in case you were interested about auditions...

So yesterday was really long and very interesting. Its so far been the worst day at work with me just constantly making stupid mistakes and just being regularly clumsy. I'm pretty sure I'm not made out for food services and once I'm done with training....look out Pizzafari. Why couldnt' they just put me in attractions or somewhere that I would at least be good at or even mildly interested in. Now for the part you've all been waiting for

So I got out at around 3:30 and registration for auditions was from 3-4 and only a 5 minute drive. So I hoped on a bike from work and rode like Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France to the parking lot (we have bikes behind the scenes to get to place to place faster). I got to the parking lot of the auditions and striped down to my work out clothes because the place online said to wear comfortable clothes to move in for routines. So I follow all the signs getting more and more excited and I go around a corner and all of a sudden a woman comes out of a room and says hello and asks me if I'm auditioning. I said yes and she proceded to ask me if I was a CP (college programmer). Thats when I knew it was the end of the road. The whole time I've been hear everyone I've asked has said something different about whether kids in the college program can audition, some say yes and that they will change your contract and others say no and that the only way you can audition is if you extend your time here to next spring semester. So back to the story, the woman basically tells me that because I am a part of the college program I cannot audition. If I extend and wish to stay in the spring semester then I can come back and audition in November, but as of now....NO CPs :( So My dreams were crushed but I knew going into it that I would most likely not get it for one reason or another. I look at it this least they didn't dismiss me because I had an ugly face :)

So I had a bad day of work and was immediately sent home from auditions but it got better later that night. I went to Epcot and rode Test Track with the roomies and then rode a boat over to Hollywood Studios to hunt down our other roomies at work. We only found one but that was good enough for us. We met up with Adam, and had dinner. The roomies were really tired but I wanted to see Fantasmic and so did Adam so we stayed while everyone else went home. We got front row seats to the most amazing fireworks, waterworks, and over all technically advanced show ever, that I have seen at disney. They had disney princesses I never knew existed in character on light up water floats, like Meg from Hercules, Pocahontas and John Smith, and Mulan. I've never seen them before in character so it made might night. And they were all on a boat driven by Steamboat Willie. If you are a film lover or disney fan you have to appreciate that. So hanging out with Adam and seeing Fantasmic turned my really bad day into an amazing night :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Internet back + free time = new post!

Wow, there is a lot to catch up on....lets see.

Well I went through traditions and training and it was all about learning the past, present, and future of disney and all about how it involves me. Basically just sitting in a class room for hours with the occasional trip to the computer lab to take online seminar type things to get us ready.

Being a new cast member has you getting lost pretty frequently, but that doesn't always mean its a bad thing. I was trying to get to the cast entrance to Magic Kingdom and hopped the A bus to Disney University and ended up following the whole crowd in MK uniforms off the bus and onto the VIP cast members only bus. And yes I was able to get on and backstage. This bus took us behind the magic kingdom and dropped us off at the infamous underground tunnels! Everyone got off there so we just once again followed the crowd and wandered into the tunnels pretending we belonged. Due to the "Preserving the Magic" clause, I am not at liberty to tell you what I saw down there, but I will tell you that it blew my mind. I also found out that if I get caught down there and I'm not working then I could be terminated and be forced to leave so I'm pretty sure I wont see those tunnels anytime soon.

I've been to every park at least twice and know a lot of the ins and outs and terminology. Everest, Soarin' and Toy Story Mania are my two favorite rides and highly recommend to anyone coming to visit especially toy story mania. Its like walking into andy's room as a toy! Its so cool have a night light as big as you hang on the wall above your head and be a life size player for the candyland board game. Rockin Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror are pretty amazing too, if they are working and not breaking down on you when you are the next person to get into a car.....just saying.

Hollywood Studios is quickly becoming my favorie park. Not only do they have my favorite rides but they have some cool characters wondering the streets and the Beauty and the Beast Theater show. We ran into one of the characters named Les Manly and he was a "police officer" on hollywood blvd. We talked to him and he began writing on his notepad and quickly issued me a ticket. I looked at it and he wrote me a ticket/warning for "stealing hearts". He told me I had to be careful and watch what I do to the boys because I could just look at them and BAM! they drop like flys. Best ticket I've ever gotten :)

The theater shows here are pretty amazing. I've seen Finding Nemo the musical and Beauty and the Beast. Finding nemo was really cute and Beauty and the Beast had me singing right along. Of course the Preston Posse in me kicked in and pretty soon I was counting the source 4s and par cans, looking at the gels, dreaming I could play with the sound and light board, and wondering how they got the subs that high up. Pretty much being a nerd :)

Speaking of Theater tech..... At our apt complex we live on the 3rd floor with one other apt on the floor. We finally met our hallmates and the boys are pretty cool. One of them, Cameron, has done the college program before and he was in food service also. He quickly became tired of flipping burgers and always vented to his manager how he was not here to be flipping burgers and didn't plan on doing this the rest of his life. So his manger arranged a meeting with a few of the head honcho's of the Disney Corporation! Some of the biggest names in Disney running the entire franchise today! They told him that he was moving up to an internship in Special Events basically help coordinate the parades, concerts, etc. He has met basically anyone associated with Disney so yes he has hung out with the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cirus. But we get along really well and I vented to him how I'm in the same situation. I'm basically in an entertainment major and I'm here in the College Program to expand on that but I can't do that when I'm serving Pizza. So he pulled some strings behind my back and left me a note on my door that said he contacted the head guy for the Theater Tech Dept at Disney and he wants to meet with me! So who knows, I might be working on the Nemo Show instead of serving pizza or who know where it might take me but its a foot in the door. Thank you Cameron!

Tonight is the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Parade Preview for cast members only. The weather is supposed to be bad and its supposed to be chaos so I don't think I'm going to go. But thats probably a good thing because I have to be at work at 7 and I'm also auditioning for a face character, meaning, a Princess! I'm really nervous and I have no clue what they will be asking me to do but I'll never know unless I try and its been my life long wish to become Belle. So you never know, maybe dreams do come true

But I'm not holding my breath.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grotto or Pixie Hollow?

mmmm waffles. I found yesterday very productive. I woke up and had to straighten out my parking pass situation because when I signed up my name wasn't on my insurance, my dad's was, so I had to go do that and I got my handy dandy parking pass. Following that I met up with my parents at downtown disney and my mom went nuts in the christmas store. I'm pretty sure with all the things she wanted to buy or thought that I needed I'm going to have a full blown santa's apartment on my hands, only disney style. I walked into the huge disney store and I've already found christmas gifts for everyone, and I mean everyone. After that began our adventure of finding a tv for the apt. We went to walmart, and they were out of the one I wanted so we were going to go to another one but stopped at target before hand and they had an even bigger one for cheaper, but they were out. So then we ventured to another target further down (there are targets and walmarts every 10 mins on the same road...ridiculous!) and when we got there they were out too but were getting a truck tomorrow. So after three failed attempts we postponed it until future ventures, and I headed back to get ready for Planet Hollywood with the girls. We wanted to do roomie bonding and get to know each other before all of our schedules got hectic. We dressed in black, white, or plaid, and we all looked amazing. I drove all 6 of us in my 5 person car and all I could think about was how during spring break kevin got pulled over for having too many people in the car and I did not want to get a ticket! Luckily we made it and had a ton of fun at dinner. We thought of all the different themed parties we're going to have and what our apt is going to be themed. Long story short, Danielle's boyfriend's apt down here is the Jungle and they are the Lost Boys, each one of them having a Lost Boy name from Peter Pan. We went to their apt after dinner and it looks pretty tight. They have plants everywhere, a hammock, their names written in wood. It looks pretty cool, so the girls and I wanted to do kind of the same thing...only better :) So we came up with two ideas, Ariel's Grotto and Pixie Hollow. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let the Magic Begin!

So Sunday was spent with my parents at the Magic Kingdom for 12 hours. I had a magic overload. I spent the whole day looking at the details in the park like finding hidden mickey mouse ears in everything, criticizing the princesses in the parade, and noticing behind the scenes things. It was kind of fun. It was really great just to have one on one time with my parents. We had a great day and I'm really happy that my mom got to see the parade and fireworks, she had been really wanting to see them. Yesterday was a bright and early, rise and shine day. We arrived at check in an hour early at 8am sharp. One of the mom's had started a sign in sheet so her and her daughters friends would be first and there was no arguing with it. It was about to get rejected by me when someone said we could go to the clubhouse and sign in, then the race began. It was insane! About 6 girls...and their moms.... took off in a full on blitz for the registration. I walked gracefully there and when I arrived they were all sitting down, panting and fanning themselves. It was hilarious. Check in was like a giant maze with a never ending route of station after station. My new home is Patterson Court Apt #6302. Its pretty sweet and looks brand new. My roomates are from all across the nation. Simone is from New Orleans, Pam from Puerto Rico, Brunella from California, Danielle from Connecticut, and Courtney is from Pennsylvania. After moving my stuff into my beautiful apartment we had to leave and take a bus to the casting building. While waiting for the bus my roomies and I were watching all the cast members who were on their way to their jobs. They all looked so sad in their brightly colored and random uniforms, I hope thats not a bad omen. When we arrived we found out about our jobs and all the details to get us started. And once again it involved more stations in a huge building that took us from floor to floor and around corners in random rooms with paintings all over the walls and ceilings. I thought I was lost in wonderland. ok that wasn't funny. Anyway I found out that I will be working at Animal Kingdom and a place called Pizzafari.....get all the laughter out now. Are you good now? On with the story. Once that was done we caught a bus back, and I unpacked some more and went to the housing seminar. That was basically freshmen orientation for underage drinking or termination, no weapons fake or real or termination, guests must be signed in or termination. They are joking either, a girl got terminated for cooking alcohol since she was in the culinary program, so everyone is on their toes and treading lightly here. After the bogus housing meeting, we were free so I met up with some facebook friends who lived right acorss the way and we had pizza and went swimming until 1 am. My complex is right across the street from Mickey's retreat and we can use it to go kayaking, play sports, anything outdoorsy really so I'm going to use that to my advantage. So I guess thats it in a nutshell so far. I'll update soon!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

When Tree Frogs Attack!

I don't think I've ever driven through a hurricane before...until today. It was so crazy. The clouds sped right for I95 and it got extremely dark, dark blue. It didn't rain for a while either which made it really eerie. Then as we rounded the corner we saw the curtain of rain moving right toward us and it hit us like a ton of bricks. Suddenly everyone was going 20mph in a 70mph area. Flashers came on and I was really thinking that our car was going to blow over like al roker did on live tv when he tried to brave a hurricane. Anyway, we made it out alive and my car was cleaned of the mountain dirt in the process. Ironically, we stopped at the same gas station I stopped at last year when I came down, very deja vu. Our condo is gorgeous and our family fits right in. We were exploring the house and the room that I was put in is obviously the best room in the house with a Kung Fu Panda and Pixar Heros posters hanging on my wall. There was even dolphin, orca, and lion stickers on the windows. Can you say jackpot? The homeowners left us a little guide book to the house. It tells us not to feed the racoons, 0possums, or armadillos and to make sure to securely shut our doors so the tree frogs, snakes, and engrossed grasshoppers don't sneak in during the night. I thought they were over reacting until I met a tree frog staring me down at the door and jiminy cricket bounding across the parking lot. Well tomorrow, my parents and I are going to the Magic Kingdom to spend the day together before I leave. I'm really excited :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Look! A Palm Tree!

We were on the road for a grand total of almost 12 hours today, and I got to drive all of it in my new car....well new used car. The ride started off ok. My dad leading with me and my mom following in one car and my brother and his gf in the other. I felt like we were in that old Twister movie when there were a bunch of cars that followed each other weaving in and out of traffic to get to their destination. Anyway, my car ran splendidly and I'm so proud to be a car owner now, I just need a name for it. The trip was smooth all except for the part where my dad totally blew a tire in the middle of now where north carolina. I swear I heard banjo music. We drove to a walmart on our spare so we could get a new tire and had to wait another hour to rotate tires and put the new one on and what not. I thought Front Royal and Radford was country but I had not been to Smithfield, NC. We walked in and I thought my head was going to be stuffed and mounted on someones wall. There was not one person there that did not have camo, bright orange, cut off shorts, or gruffy beards (even the women). The other half of the people ther did not speak english and all stared when my mom and I walked by. crrrreeeeeeepppppyyyyy. Anyway, the rest of the time I sat in a waiting room and watched paint peel while listening to the young and the restless until the tire was done. We were quickly on our way after that and landed in Waltersboro, SC where I am currently and comfortly enjoying my huge queen bed I have all to myself tonight :)